Careers Centre

Quarterly Job Market Review

In order to give jobseekers a sense of where the financial job market is heading, TopFinancialJobs will be surveying financial recruitment agencies on a quarterly basis. We will be asking our clients to comment on the previous quarter and to look forward to the forthcoming period. We will also discover what their clients - your potential future employers - are saying about future recruitment plans and also how confident recruiters are feeling about the forthcoming quarter. Finally, we will ask what jobseekers can do to make themselves stand out from the crowd and also what trends are emerging in the financial recruitment sector.

5th Nov 2009 TopFinancialJobs Quarterly Survey Q3 2009

Response to our latest quarterly survey indicates that financial recruiters are feeling cautiously optimistic about the prospects for the final quarter of this year and into 2010.

18th Sep 2009 TopFinancialJobs Quarterly Survey Q1-2 2009

Looking back at the first two quarters of 2009, the first half of the year was described as " of the most challenging periods finance recruiters have experienced in their careers.

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